
, , , Sunday, November 30, 2008 0 comments

// make_anchor
// This nifty macro comes from John Hurst's book, Professional Slickedit,
// published by Wrox, a subsidiary of Wiley Publishing (Indianapolis),
// 2008, paperback, 472 pages. List price $49.99. The Slickedit macro code
// for make_anchor and many other macros in from Professional Slickedit
// can be downloaded freely from
// Professional-SlickEdit.productCd-0470122153,descCd-DOWNLOAD.html

// make_anchor creates an HTML anchor tag around the selected text.
// For example: if the selected text is "", highlighting
// "" and then executing make_anchor will produce the following:

<a href=""<a>

// This would, of course, be rendered to the user as the hyperlink

// Some editing software and blog editing programs
// nowadays incorporate similar functionality,
// but if you're editing plain text files in Slickedit, this macro could be
// a time saver.

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